⭐️ Rising Stars! ⭐️
Mrs. Kamplain has started a new reward system for students who improve their grade or keep an A average in Algebra 1 and Pre-Algebra each month. These students received a Rising Star award for the month of September. They received 10 Vandal Loot and their name entered into a drawing for a $10 Walmart gift card.
Not pictured: Jace Thomas, Star Heidbrink, and Kayden Hoffmann.
Congratulations to our September Students of the Month! Thank you to Ponderosa in Vandalia for rewarding our students with a complimentary lunch!
English: Aubree
Math: Trenton
Science: Kobe
CTE: Darcy
Health/PE: Kourtney
Social Science: Amalie
Fine Arts: Zoey
Over the past several weeks Mrs. Wakefield's medical terminology class has toured the hospital's physical therapy, radiology, and laboratory departments. Thank you Sarah Bush Lincoln - Fayette County Hospital
Happy Custodian Appreciation Day! 🎉 Thank you to our amazing custodians for keeping our schools clean and tidy. Your hard work and dedication make a huge difference. We appreciate you! #CustodianAppreciation #ThankYou
Tonight! Cancel your plans & Eat at Joe's!
2024 Girls Golf Senior Night
Mark your Calendars!
Eat at Joe's on Wednesday, October 2nd to help support our VCHS Vandal Pride Teams!
Attention VCHS Tennis:
Tomorrow's (9/28/24) tournament at Centralia is canceled due to the forecasted weather.
We are looking for two dynamic individuals for VJHS wrestling coaches! There are two open positions including VJHS Head Wrestling Coach and VJHS Assistant Wrestling Coach. Please email your letter of interest and qualifications to Coach Clay at jclay@vandals203.org. by Friday, October 4, 2024.
Mrs. Kern and Mrs. Major attend Kaskaskia College Counselor Day. They wanted to give a shout out to VCHS alumnus Morgan Dagen (Class of 2023) who served on the Student Panel. Morgan spoke about the importance of her Dual Credit and Jump Start classes through KC that she took while attending VCHS. These classes have given her an advantage in her program and she will become a Registered Nurse at the young
age of 19! If anyone would like more information on these courses reach out to Mrs. Kern, Mrs. Major, or Kelsey Tate (Dual Credit Advisor at KC).
The annual Volley For a Cure Game will be on October 22, 2024, in the VCHS Gym vs Greenville.
Orders are due online by Monday, September 30th: https://vandaliahsgreenvillehsvolleyforacure2024.itemorder.com/shop/home/
Congratulations to Abby & Dakira for placing in the top 10 and making the SCC All-Conference Tournament Team in Girls' Golf yesterday!
🎓 Proud to see our juniors and seniors taking the initiative! They stayed after school today to learn more about the University of Illinois Springfield. Thanks to UIS for sharing valuable insights and inspiring our future college students.
VCHS Sports Cancellations & Reschedules:
- Girls Tennis for today(9/23) is Cancelled
- The SCC Boys and Girls Golf Tournament scheduled for today(9/23) has been postponed until tomorrow(9/24)at 9am
The VCHS Wrestling Team is selling blankets for a fundraiser! Orders are due by October 7th.
Congratulations to Khaden Litaker and Joselyn Murray! VCHS 2024 Homecoming King and Queen!
The 30th Annual Vandalia High School Volleyball Tournament will be held on Saturday, September 21, 2024, beginning at 9:00 am. All information and updated scores can be found here: https://www.vandals203.org/o/vchs/page/vchsvolleyballtournament
The Vandals Soccer team dominated the field today, winning their first game of the season with a score of 8-2 against North Mac!⚽️ Congrats Vandals!❤️
Issac Sachan-4
Artan Mustafa-2
Faith Duplayee-1
Dexter Cullpepper-1
Issac Sachan-3
Artan Mustafa-2
Dexter Cullpepper-1
Charlie Bowles-1
Gavin Renfro-6
Hillsboro High School is still under construction, please see the attached pictures of where to park for the game tonight.
Mrs. Renfro's Art 2 students drawing trees from observation!