CUSD Board Meeting Live stream: Here is the link to view the virtual board meeting on 5.19.2020 at 5pm:
over 4 years ago, CJ Schmidt
The Summer Lunches for Kids program is organized by Northside Christian Church from June 1st - August 7th. Please see attached flyers for distribution and donation information.
over 4 years ago, Julie Lay
summer lunches
update: Open the link to submit a public comment for the 5/19/2020 Virtual board meeting.
over 4 years ago, CJ Schmidt
Anyone trying to contact VJHS please call VES at 618-283-5166 and ask to be transferred to VJHS. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, CJ Schmidt
We are excited to begin planning for the 20-21 school year and would appreciate feedback as we transition back to school. Themes will be identified in the survey responses as next steps in our planning. We can't wait to see your smiling faces!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Garrison
Click here for information on the State of IL Pandemic Benefits
over 4 years ago, Julie Lay
Important News for the Class of 2020! See image attached. If you missed the Zoom call today, you may view the recording here: SENIORS - Please continue to check your emails for important updates!
over 4 years ago, Julie Lay
vchs important dates
Pick up times at each building.
over 4 years ago, Julie Lay
Pick up times
CUSD Board Meeting Live stream: Here is the link to view the virtual board meeting on 4.21.2020 at 5pm:
almost 5 years ago, CJ Schmidt
To submit a public comment prior to the board meeting please fill this google form: Public comments will be accepted during the meeting on the form and in the YouTube comments section.
almost 5 years ago, CJ Schmidt
The board meeting will be held virtually on 4.21.2020 at 5:00 pm. To view the meeting subscribe to our youtube channel Vandalia CUSD #203 or at this URL:
almost 5 years ago, CJ Schmidt
The Governor has announced we will continue Remote Learning for the remainder of the 19-20 school year. Next week our meal distribution will change to M, W, F still providing the same number of meals. We will continue to work as a team & get through this together. #VandalStrong
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Garrison
Attention to all who receive our meals: We are doing a mass distribution Wednesday for meals over Spring Break. It is very important that you pick up your meals or are avaiable when we deliver. This includes 8 meals for the break. We will resume service on April 14th.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Garrison
Please see my letter on the extension of remote learning to April 30. #VandalStrong
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Garrison
March 31
Please read the following message from Fayette County Health Department, Fayette County Hospital, & Fayette County Emergency Management Agency. #VandalStrong
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Garrison
Letter to Families on Stay Home Order from the Governor and what it means for Vandalia C.U.S.D. #203.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Garrison
Stay Home Letter
Let go of the stress right now the e-learning and packets might be causing. Instead, let's share our stories on social media how we can do our BEST together. Do this by posting and use #VandalStrong and #ILSchoolsStepUp. We can do this! I know we can.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Garrison
Dear Parents- We are experiencing something new to all of us and doing the best we can in this current situation. My ask is do the best you can with the e-learning and packets. Don't get bogged down with the detals such as the 300 minutes or the exact times to sign-in.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Garrison
Bus riders will be called with the specific time to be at their stop in the morning for lunch pickup. If your student does not ride a bus, you can pick up the lunch from 4 locations between 11:00 a.m to 12:30 p.m. Locations are VJHS, Jefferson, Washington, and Lincoln Schools.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Garrison
VCUSD #203 Meal Distribution Plan
almost 5 years ago, CJ Schmidt
Meal Distribution Plan